We reflect on some of our favorite memories, stories, and experiences at Epstein Becker Green (EBG).
“As I celebrate my 40th anniversary with EBG this year, I reflect on the many growth opportunities I have had, from starting out as a legal secretary to ending up as Attorney Recruitment Manager, with multiple positions in between. I have grown both professionally and personally, and have a deep appreciation for those who have helped me and supported me along the way. I look forward to what the future holds.”
- Kathy Merrill, EBG Staff Member (1983 – Present)

“I first joined EBG in 2018. I was blown away by the depth of health regulatory expertise at our firm. Since I joined, not a day goes by that I do not learn something new. I love being surrounded by health law experts and colleagues that are passionate about the health care industry. I look forward to seeing what we accomplish altogether at EBG in the next 50 years."
- Elizabeth Scarola , EBG Attorney (2018 – Present)
“I think of all the colleagues I have worked with and continue to work with, all the leaders that believed in me and still motivate me, but most of all, my gratitude towards EBG for helping me provide for my family in so many ways. Thank you and Happy 50th Anniversary!”
- Jessica Torres, EBG Staff Member (2003 – Present)

“One lasting memory is from an Employment, Labor & Workforce Management practice meeting held shortly after I joined the firm in 1999. Ron Green was presenting, and he said simply, "When one of your colleagues reaches out, whether to you specifically or in a general way to all attorneys, that colleague just became your most important client — because somewhere behind that ask is a client with a need to be filled." That message has always stuck with me as summing up so much in a single sentence and expresses what it has always felt like here: that attitude, expectation, and willingness to help that I have received and, hopefully, offered."
- Jim Flynn, EBG Attorney (1999 – Present)
“When I joined EBG in September 2021, I was leaving my old firm of 24 years. Prior to joining, I had met with Steven Di Fiore and a number of EBG partners who described, at length, the collaborative culture of high performers. Based on all of the offers of assistance, generous sharing of time, contacts, and experience I have received since then, I can gratefully report that all assurances about the move and the firm were spot on. My only regret is that I didn't make the move to EBG years earlier!"
- Jim Petrie, EBG Attorney (2021 – Present)

“One of the things I have enjoyed most about EBG is the people who have transitioned from bosses and co-workers to friends, teachers, mentors, and peers. My colleagues have helped me learn how to practice the law, and along the way, we have built incredible relationships, both personal and professional. That is what has kept me here so long.”
- Nancy Gunzenhauser Popper, EBG Attorney (2012 – Present)
“I was so nervous when I originally came to EBG. It was a slightly different role than the one I'd worked in for most of my career, and in a slightly different capacity than I'd performed a similar role in another firm. I know the stress of having big shoes to fill, but I kept a positive mindset. I believe I've been successful here as I've held the belief that any job worth doing is worth doing well, and that in every opportunity, there's an opportunity to learn (and grow.) One of the things I have most enjoyed about working here is that in five and half years here, I CONSISTENTLY see things I have not seen in the 27 years prior, working as either secretary or word processing. I live for a challenge, though, and I only let something beat me once. I hope my legacy includes my tenacity, my peace under pressure, my willingness to go above and beyond and most of all, doing all of the above and still be a pleasant, humorous coworker.”
- Tracey Jenkins, EBG Staff Member (2017 – Present)

“Since my first day in 2007, I have always felt valued and appreciated. The firm has provided me with multiple growth opportunities—from joining as a legal secretary with the Employment, Labor & Workforce Management practice to becoming the Health Care & Life Sciences Practice Manager. The support and encouragement I have received over the years is truly indescribable, and I am beyond grateful for all of the individuals in the firm who have mentored and invested in me. The firm has provided me with endless resources to grow, not only as a professional but as an individual, as well. I am looking forward to years to come with EBG and to fostering the growth of those who join us along the way.”
- Kim Torrance, EBG Staff Member (2007 - Present)
“My over 35-year career at EBG has been one characterized by opportunities. From the beginning, I've had opportunities to work on cutting-edge legal issues and on cases that made new laws. I've had the opportunity to work with lawyers from across our practice groups and offices and to learn something new almost every day. I've had the opportunity to work with excellent lawyers who are also great people and to have been supported in nearly every aspect of my career - including when it meant working part-time for a year after my second son's birth, or when co-founding our Women's Initiative program. There's been the opportunity for some fun travel along the way, a really fun 25th-anniversary celebration, and I think, as well, an opportunity to make a positive contribution overall. Time flies.”
- Mickey Neuhauser, EBG Attorney (1987 – Present)

“One of the things I've enjoyed most about EBG is the sincere investment that shareholders and partners make in their associates. EBG is a collaborative firm, and its success is directly tied to investing in the next generation of EBG attorneys. I am thankful that EBG's founders established, from the beginning, such a strong culture—one that continues to this day.”
- Dan Fahey, EBG Attorney (2019 – Present)
“As an immigrant, I’ve always felt that it’s better to live in an area that’s diverse—a community of different people and races. It makes me feel comfortable and less of an outcast. The same feeling applies to a work environment. In fact, one of the reasons I’ve stayed so long at EBG is because it’s a firm where everyone can blend in. I love that everyone fits in here, and I love that we’re all on equal ground—a mixed group, so diverse, and yet one Team EBG!”
- Anne Khawaja, EBG Staff Member (2002 - Present)

“At every stage of my career, and especially as an associate, I have had excellent mentors who invested their time and energy to make me more successful. Paying those efforts forward and developing the next generation of lawyers has always been extremely important to me. Since joining EBG, I have spent a lot of time mentoring associates, summer associates, and non-attorney staff members, showing them that we value them not merely as employees, but as friends and human beings. When the firm named me a Core Values Champion in 2021, I saw that as a validation of those efforts, a recognition that investing in our people is as important to EBG as it is to me. One thing that has impressed me most about EBG is the generosity of the team. Not long after I joined the firm, an opportunity arose to help a friend prepare for an upcoming Senate confirmation hearing. I reached out to two partners with pertinent subject matter experience; they traveled to D.C. to spend a day supporting my friend. This was not a billable engagement, and they had no obligation to do this—they did it because I asked for their assistance. At EBG, we help not only our clients but also our colleagues. I think about that day from time to time, and it inspires me to do everything I can when someone asks for my help."
- Paul DeCamp, EBG Attorney (2017 - Present)
“In March 2020, working from home was as foreign a concept to me as a worldwide pandemic. Yet, here we are, thriving in a new existence and mastering new experiences, like Zoom meetings, remote training, and—my favorite—work-from-home feng shui. While the pandemic brought unthinkable woes, EBG allowed us to contribute to innovation and reengineering as we figured out how to be productive at home. Cheers to 50 years of success, innovation, and out-of-the-box thinking!”
- Maria Walters, EBG Staff Member (2005 - Present)

“I have been a summer associate, associate, partner, practice leader, and board member here at EBG. Over the past 20 years and more, I have always felt that the mentorship, camaraderie, support, and opportunity for growth at this firm have been tremendous.”
- Susan Gross Sholinsky, EBG Attorney (1999 - Present)
“In October 1979, I was a lawyer at The Legal Aid Society of New York City, bringing class actions on behalf of indigent individuals seeking government benefits. I often worked with Phil Gassel, who was at Legal Services for the Elderly. He called me one day to say that he was leaving to work for EBG, a health care law firm, to which I responded, 'There is such a thing?' Well, thanks to Jeff [Becker] and Steve [Epstein], there is such a thing as health care law, and 32 years later, I, too, became a health care lawyer and joined Phil in the New York office of EBG.”
- Arthur Fried, EBG Attorney (2011 – Present)

“I've been part of Epstein Becker Green for nearly 15 years. The firm has provided me with tremendous growth opportunities as well as the ability to build strong relationships with my colleagues. I have so many warm memories of my time at the firm and have appreciated the support I have been given, both in my professional and personal life.”
- Amanda Schneider, EBG's Chief Marketing Officer (2008 - Present)
“Around the time that I joined the firm, Ron Green looked me in the eye and asked, ‘What can we do to help you succeed?’ Other than my parents, no one had ever asked me that before, and at first, I wasn't sure if he was really talking to me or someone standing behind me. But he meant it, lived it, and still does. The whole firm does. I have carried those words with me for 23 years, and I try to honor them by doing my part to help others achieve their dreams. Accordingly, when I was chosen as an Annual Core Values Champion a few years ago, it meant a huge amount to me. None of us will ever be able to fill the founders’ shoes, but each of us plays a vital role in making the firm such a vibrant, supportive and unique place to work and grow. Thank you, Ron and EBG!”
- Peter Steinmeyer, EBG Attorney (1999 – Present)

“On the occasion of EBG's 50th Anniversary, congratulations to our founders, Steven Epstein, Jeffrey Becker, and Ronald Green, all of whom had a clear and forward-thinking vision of how to serve people. The most wonderful things about EBG are the people and the sense of family. Shortly after I started here, 9/11 happened and I saw how the EBG family came together in that nationwide time of need. That culture of family has demonstrated itself over and over again, not just in times of need, but also in times of joy and success. It has been an honor to have been a small part of the Firm for almost 22 years. Here's to another 50 years!”
- Jennifer Mills, Retired (2001 – 2023)