Let's Craft the Creative Defense Strategy That You Deserve
It is no secret that plaintiffs' counsel frequently file boilerplate wage and hour law class action complaints, merely changing the names of the parties. This does not, however, mean that employers should use boilerplate approaches to defending against their lawsuits.
We don’t use a “cookie cutter” approach.
A “cookie cutter” approach to defending your class action may be the easiest for your attorneys, but is it the best approach for you? We don’t think so. No two class actions are the same.
Every employer is different.
Every worker is different.
And the facts of each case are different.
Variations among businesses, workers, work environments, and the facts of each case can be the difference between a class being certified and class certification being denied—and between winning and losing. Those variations can mean millions of dollars. And what may have worked for another company in a different industry, in a case in a different jurisdiction with a different judge, may not work for your company.
You may have entirely unique arguments that have not been made before.
With so much money at stake, why use a “cookie cutter” approach?
We customize our approach to your specific case, needs, and objectives.
With your business and reputation on the line in these cases, we believe you deserve creativity, experience, and depth of knowledge. We apply those strengths every day in every case to craft defense strategies customized to meet the peculiarities of each case.